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Butterfly Museum - Gainesville, Fl

Image by Visit Gainesville

Realistically people don't really travel to Gainesville. If they're there, it's for a good reason. School, sports, doctors visits, possibly the night life and the mall if you live in *cough* Ocala. Let's face it, I lived there, it's Gainesville, a transient city. People come and go for school, work and medical appointments. People don't say, "Lets pack up and go to Gainesville for a week". (Unless they have to go there for school or work or medical appointments or... ok you get it.

There are quiet a few hidden gems there. This is just one of many.

The Butterfly Rainforest at the Florida Museum of Natural History is one of the coolest, cheapest little day trips you could go to in this area. Whether you spend 5 minutes or 5 hours, you're guaranteed to feel at ease and serene here.

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It's only $14.63!

You're able to book in advance and go for the day.

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If you're interested in booking in advance, no need in contacting me. Just click here and pick your date.

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